Schnipsel from alster

Errors using convert to merge images into a single PDF

April 10, 2024 — alster

e.g. for printing

If you do run into convert.im6: cache resources exhausted the solution is to first look at which resource of ImageMagick is exhausted with convert -list resource.
OK, this doesn't tell you what is exhausted, but what the limits are, you can then edit /etc/ImageMagick-r/policy.xml as root to your needs. In my case I upped the limit for to

Then I had a second error while doing this.
convert-im6.q16: attempt to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy `PDF' @ error/constitute.c/IsCoderAuthorized/426.
Well, this is because of a bug in ghostscript versions lower than 9.24.
Get your version with ghostscript --version or gs --version.
If your version is higher, which should be the case, you can turn off the safety for the PDF-format at least in the same file, that's mentioned above.
Search for , then go top the line which has PDF in it and comment it out like so .
This is used for commenting out stuff in XML-formats, yes, HTML is also just XML.

That's it, happy convert!

Tags: XML, GhostScript, convert, Linux, Debian, ImageMagick, Bug, PDF, png, Images

Linke/Rote/Syndikalistische (Web)Shops

April 05, 2024 — alster

Das ist der Versuch einer Liste, wenn ihr mehr habt, bewerft mich ruhig auf allen Kanälen mit Shops, ich erweitere diese Liste gerne.
Und wenn sie nur dabei hilft, dass sie mehr gefunden werden und nicht bei Großkonzernen gekauft werden muss.
Das Einkaufserlebnis ist hier auch direkt angenehmer, finde ich.

Gebt mir aber auch gerne Kritik, falls etwas nicht so passt oder ihr noch Beschreibungsvorschläge habt.

  • Black Mosquito (Flensburg)
  • No Borders (Leipzig)
  • Café Chavalo (Leipzig)
  • Nix Gut Onlineshop (Winnenden)
  • Roter Shop (Velbert)
  • Aroma Zapatista (Hamburg)
  • Café Libertad (Hamburg)
  • Limbus Goods (Hamburg)
  • Fire and Flames (Kiel)
  • Syndikat A (Moers)
  • Kaos Kvlt (Online only)
  • Tags: syndikate, Besteck, , Syndicalism, shops, webshops, links, linke, rot, roter, mosquito, sabcat, seo, fahnen, t-shirts, kleidung, hoodies, buttons, infomaterial, sticker, hackbrett


    December 28, 2023 — alster

    Everything needs to be done in about:config. Just type that into the URL-bar of Firefox and hit it.

    Set fullscreen of videos and webpages only to the size of the actual window (F11).
    Pretty handy if you do have tiled windows and want a big view, but not the whole screen and pip doesn't do it for you.
    Set full-screen-api.ignore-widgets to True.

    Turn off Ads for Mozilla's extras in the options:
    browser.preferences.moreFromMozilla to False

    Edit it to whatever size you want your scrollbar to be.
    Change the scrollbarshape. Set it to 4 for a nice chonk rectangle.
    Finally, turn on "Always show scrollbars" in the normal settings window about:preferences if you want them always on.

    If you also want a more dense toolbar/topbar on Firefox-based browser you should set browser.density browser.uidensity to 1.
    Somehow the most dense option isn't shown in newer versions of Firefox.
    Also the option got renamed in Firefox 121.0.1.

    It also seems Mozilla has hidden the ability to add custom search engines, here's the trick:
    Set browser.urlbar.update2.engineAliasRefresh to true, then the ability just pops right up.
    I have no idea why Mozilla has removed this option in favor of having to use the AddOn-system, which just doesn't fell right.


    Tags: firefox, advertising, fullscren, scrollbar, mozilla, search